Hamas terrorists pictured crawling on the floor in Gaza

Hamas bodycam appears to show moments before attack

The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) have shared footage of Hamas operatives during fighting in northern Gaza.

The footage shows Hamas militants crawling along the floor inside a building as gunfire is heard in the background.

The IDF says Nahal Brigade encountered the operatives who had fired anti-tank missiles at Israeli personnel.

As the IDF reported, the cell was struck by a drone. Another member of the cell was killed by the troops, and on his body, the camera was found.

This comes amid reports that dozens of Hamas militants surrendered to Israeli troops in Gaza on Thursday.

Footage released by Israeli media shows IDF soldiers rounding up several men who allegedly surrendered in the Jabalia refugee camp and other parts of Gaza.

The IDF has not yet addressed the images.

The Walla news website reports that the “suspects were stripped to rule out the possibility that they were carrying weapons.”

Israel’s ground operations and bombardment in Gaza has seen over 16,000 civilians killed and 80 percent of the strip’s population displaced.

Maysaa Said, 28, who fled Gaza city for Rafah, told The Telegraph: “This area is supposed to be safe according to the Israeli forces. Last night we could hear successive powerful airstrikes in Tel al-Sultan like what they call a fire belt. Later we heard two bombings where we were, the third missile didn’t explode.

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“There is no safe place in the Gaza Strip, but we are trying to stay safe as much as we can. Rafah isn’t safe. We constantly hear bombings somewhere nearby.”

Hamas has also struck a blow to Israel after they killed Gal Meir Eisenkot, 25, who is the son of Gadi Eisenkot – a minister in the current emergency government in Israel.

Following his death, Israeli President Isaac Herzog paid tribute to the young soldier.

He said: “Michal and I lament, mourn, and are pained with the mourning of Gadi and Chana Eisenkot on the death of their son Gal in battle in the Gaza Strip.

“Gadi told me more than once about Gal, who was the landscape of his family – moral, strived for excellence, and loved everyone. Gadi gave his entire life for Israel’s security, the IDF, and the state, and today he and his family paid an unbearable price.”

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