Inside the worlds biggest nativity scene as 900 people gather for record show

The world’s biggest nativity has been staged with more than 900 people putting on a show to celebrate the birth of baby Jesus. A spectacular event of Biblical proportions took place against the stunning backdrop of the Santa Maria de Montserrat abbey in the Montserrate Mountains close to Barcelona.

Romans, shepherds, wise men and of course Mary and Joseph and baby Jesus all starred in massive production staged by the Federation of Living Nativity Scenes of Catalonia.

As these photographs show, the impressive mountains and historic abbey made for an amazing stage for the event that drew crowds of thousands.

According to news channel 5 TeleCino the nativity “commemorates the 800th anniversary of the first nativity scene in history by Saint Francis of Assisi in Italy”.

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Àngels Serentill, president of the Federation of Pessebres Vivents de Catalunya, told the channel: “The idea was to bring together 800 people to celebrate it, but we have even surpassed it.

Mr Serentill said “everyone was excited” adding “normally there is an audience, but this time it will overflow the mountain.”

The president continued he didn’t know of another nativity that had featured so many people this year but that moving so many people around was a “complication”.

In all 34 separate nativity plays have joined forces to stage the spectacular event.

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In the UK the Guinness Book of Records states the largest British living nativity scene was staged by the people of Calne in Wiltshire in 2016.

The record compiling organisation states: “Organised by Calne Town Council and charity Bible Society, a total of 1,254 participants re-enacted the birth of Jesus as described in the gospels of Matthew and Luke.

“Everyone got a part in the record-breaking nativity scene, but the lead roles were given to members of a local drama club called Calne Players.

“Mary was played by local mother Sarah Dawkins whose three-month-old son played baby Jesus.”

The current world record was set in 2019 by the city of San Jose Del Monte, in the Philippines, where 2,101 people took part, with the main players on stage and the rest of the company made up of people inside a large barn.

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