WW3 threat as Putin ally warns European Borders will not exist much longer

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    A close ally to Vladimir Putin has warned the world of an upcoming world war with Russia at the centre.

    Vladimir Solovyov appeared on Russian state TV and claimed that European boarders as we know them today will not remain for much longer. The propagandist claimed that Russia’s power will overtake the continent, according to knewz.com.

    He went on to condemn NATO and the rest of Europe for supporting Ukraine in the ongoing Russian invasion and took a dig at the West. Speaking on his show, The Evening with Vladimir Solovyov, he claims we’re in the middle of great “geopolitical changes.” He also suggested that Russia is in great fighting shape.

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    He said: “I think we have entered an era of colossal geopolitical changes… All sorts of accidental formations incapable of their own statehood may not survive this era. By that, I mean the Baltic states and all of Europe,

    “I don't think that the European borders in their current configuration will continue to exist much longer. I don't see any reason why they would. A nation whose ideology presents a threat to us cannot exist next to us.”

    Solovyov is no stranger to political threats, with the man having made several verbal attacks to the west on his TV show. He has previously said Portugal will be added to the Russian empire and that the country could easily take Hawaii and California from the Americans. Putin’s ally also seems particularly keen to count nuclear war as possible, with a host saying to him “it will happen, no doubt about it.”

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    "Nuclear war is the means for something… It's strange to fight over the means; a nuclear war fulfills a certain goal. Not every nuclear war leads to destruction. We already had a nuclear war. Two nuclear bombs were dropped on the territory of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan," Solovyov said on a TV debate, according to Newsweek.

    Tension between Russia and Ukraine continues to grow with Russia angry with NATO for their support of Ukraine. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov even claimed that they are ready to attack NATO, claiming the organisation is on a “dangerous path” with their apparent meddling in Russia’s plan.

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    • Russia Ukraine war
    • Russia
    • Vladimir Putin
    • World War 3

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