Killer had pint after brutal murder telling landlord he liked to drink blood

A murderer who headed to a local boozer for a pint after committing a brutal murder has been jailed for life.

Paul Jenkins stabbed 61-year-old David Green 70 times in his own home using two kitchen knives. Green sustained wounds to the face, neck, head and chest. Following the attack, Jenkins went to the pub and told the manager he "liked to drink his boyfriend's blood," reports WalesOnline.

Swansea Crown Court heard "kind and gentle" Mr Green had been living in sheltered accommodation in central Swansea when he was befriended by Jenkins, 39, at the Builder's Arms Pub. Mr Jenkins' mother described her son as a "Jekyll and Hyde" whose moods could be volatile.

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Mr Green, who stood at just five feet tall, had been living in Orchard Court flats on New Orchard Street and was "frail and vulnerable," prosecutor Michael Jones KC told the court. Mr Green, who always sat at the same table at the Builder’s Arms was "openly gay" and still wore his wedding ring after losing his late husband. He was only able to walk slowly and could sometimes take several minutes to make his way from the table to the bar.

After the pair met Jenkins "latched on to" Mr Green, leading the landlady, who was concerned for Mr Green's welfare, to worry and ban Jenkins from the bar.

A friend of Mr Green's said the victim loved Jenkins but the pair's relationship was not sexual. On April 6, just after 7pm, Jenkins went to Mr Green's home and carried out the murder.

After the attack, Jenkins walked into Hippos bar on the High Street and ordered a pint of Carling. He told the landlord: "I'm gay," to which the landlord responded it made no difference to him. He noticed red stains on his clothes.

Jenkins then added: "I like to drink my boyfriend's blood." He left the bar less than 10 minutes later and returned to his hostel in the early hours of the following morning. He then walked out with a rucksack, prompting hostel staff to later report him missing.

Jenkins later rang his mother and told her he "used a knife on Dave," with her prompting him to tell police. At about midday on April 9 the defendant walked into Swansea Central police station and gave his details, and it was realised he was the person who had been reported missing from his hostel.

Officers noticed cuts on Jenkins' arms and he was transported to Morriston Hospital. On the way, he told the constable transporting him he had stabbed his friend "Dave." Mr Green was found dead behind his sofa with blankets and an upturned chair on top of his body shortly afterward.

Jenkins previously pleaded guilty to murder and to possession of a bladed article. He will serve a minimum of 20 years before he can apply to the Parole Board for release. Speaking after the sentencing South Wales Police detective Chief Inspector Paul Raikes said: "David Green was murdered in his home by someone whom he trusted and considered to be a friend. The level of violence displayed by Paul Jenkins was extreme and shows him to be a dangerous individual.

"Our thoughts remain with David’s family and friends who grieve his loss, and who we continue to support. While today’s sentencing doesn’t bring David back, I hope it offers a degree of comfort to his family and friends that the man responsible is behind bars."

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