Putins £1bn bomb-proof limo featuring night vision cameras and emergency exit

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    Vladimir Putin has been spotted in a bomb-proof limousine with all the features a paranoid Russian president could need.

    The dictator was whizzed through the streets of Abu Dhabi in a giant Aurus Kortezh limousine today (Wednesday, December 6) as he kicked off a rare state visit. As he arrived he was welcomed with an opulent parade in his honour, which he witnessed from the impressive vehicle.

    The car was first unveiled in 2018, reports The Sun, and isn't your average automobile. The motor boasts night-vision cameras, run-flat tears and 6mm reinforced glass to protect the warmonger from gunshots.

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    It also features an air compression system to guard against gas attacks, armour plating and an emergency exit which can be accessed through the boot. The clever car can even recognise road signs and slow its own speed in the face of collision.

    In case of a crash or attack, the Aurus can move the passenger seats to a safer spot in its plush interior before tightening all the seatbelts automatically and closing all doors and windows. It's a lot to pack into one vehicle so it's hardly any wonder the car measures a whopping 23ft, packs a 4.4-litre V8 engine and cost an eye-watering £1billion to produce, including some £150million in state funding.

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    Putin's state visit was kicked off in style with celebratory jets soaring through the air, leaving clouds of red, white and blue – the colours of the Russian flag – in their wake. He was then escorted past a guard of honour, which featured musicians playing songs and seemingly holding weapons. Cannons were also launched as he passed.

    The streets of Abu Dhabi were also adorned with Russian flags and lined with camels and horses. State visits by the tyrant are uncommon and this is expected to be a short one, where he will meet with leaders in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia for crucial economic talks after Russia was hit by economic sanctions in the wake of its invasion of Ukraine.

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    Russia and the Middle East have always maintained warm relations. The ruler of Abu Dhabi said: "I appreciate your (Putin's) personal role in strengthening bilateral relations."

    The distrustful dictator's flight south aboard his private jet, dubbed the "Flying Kremlin," was also reportedly surrounded by four Su-35S fighter jets loaded with missiles as he arrived in the Middle East over concerns for his safety. Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: "The Su-35S (warplanes) took off from an operational airfield in Russia in difficult weather conditions with heavy rain and gusty winds.

    "Special overflight permits were obtained from the states over whose territory the overflight took place for the aerial escort of the presidential aircraft.

    "We are grateful to those states for their co-operation."

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    • Vladimir Putin
    • Russia
    • Saudi Arabia

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